We bring stories to life

Saga Egmont offers a diverse selection of English eBooks and audiobooks for the international market.

Our catalogue spans world classics, upmarket literary fiction, and high-demand commercial genres such as romance, crime fiction, historical fiction, children’s literature from renowned brands and independent voices, celebrity biographies, and popular non-fiction.

We firmly believe that good stories stand the test of time. Our mission is to preserve and showcase brilliant storytelling, making it readily available to readers and listeners worldwide.

Making books available – everywhere

Making the most of technological advancements, we view digital publishing as a gateway for authors to reach a wider audience. We are dedicated to ensuring that our catalogue is accessible and actively promoted to readers and listeners around the globe whether they prefer streaming, downloading, or library services. We stand out by offering unrestricted territorial coverage and compatibility with all platforms and digital formats.

We publish stories that excite and engage readers – and listeners. We believe good stories can expand the horizon of their audience. Here are some of our highlights.

Doing Business with Saga Egmont

We continuously build strong, international partnerships to make good stories available across borders. Below are some of our current collaborators that are helping us fulfill that mission.

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